Crossing the Ocean

Crossing the Ocean

In these times when technology connects us to the world easier than ever, it shouldn’t be a big deal to publish a short story in another country. Maybe it’s because I’m old enough to remember when crossing an ocean was a major ordeal, even by phone, but I was thrilled to publish a story in the UK.

True, I could call myself an “international author” when I published in Canada in 2021, but for whatever illogical reason, an adjacent country didn’t feel like a milestone.

In the spirit of taking my own advice and celebrating the small victories, I’m raising a glass to myself for this one. The story that made the journey, “The Yard Sale”, landed in my crap file more than once due to its lack of direction. I only finished it out of irritation that it wouldn’t die in the crap file with all the others. Another toast to those nagging thoughts that wouldn’t let me give up completely!

It goes to show: don’t give up on an idea. Shelve it, rewrite it, rethink it, but don’t let it go unless it goes silent. It could be a tiny victory.


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