Back in the 1990s when I first entertained the idea of writing, a website was not necessary. Now, they tell me it is.
Here’s the deal. It’s not change that bothers me, and I accept that I will have to learn for the rest of my life. It’s self-promotion that makes me cringe.
This is my third day of learning WordPress. I chose Udemy which has provided a series of instructional videos (I recommend Udemy, by the way). Patience is required, as in learning anything technical. I foresee a finished product that will serve its purpose.
Back to the cringing–I’m promoting something that has not yet manifested. Do I have faith? Yes. Even so, there is a part of me resisting listing my few publications here so early. I’ve been advised about this type of thing. Counting chickens and the order of the cart and the horse being reversed. Farm wisdom tends to be true.
If it’s about learning and thickening my skin, I’m already a success. Criticism that would have destroyed me years ago is welcomed now. Suggestions such as making a website to sell what I don’t yet have are also welcome. I enjoy the work of writing. Most days, I can’t wait to get to my computer.
Others have informed me about imposter syndrome, and I’m not sure I feel like someone else when marketing myself. I don’t quite feel dishonest, either. I write what I want to read, so I admit to being a fan of my own work much of the time. If not deceit or dishonesty, could it perhaps just be foolish?
I quote Leonard Cohen (as I love to do): “Follow me, the wise man said, but he walked behind.”