Oops, Forgot to Blog

Oops, Forgot to Blog

The usual excuse–being busy–doesn’t apply here. I haven’t been busy. In fact, it’s just the opposite. My life has slowed to a pace I may have never experienced before. That has opened up some new issues.

Years ago, I read an interview with a celebrity whose name I can’t remember. He said it was something he hadn’t expected about reaching a point in life where he had what he wanted and could obtain anything else he wanted easily. Sounds fantastic, only it left him with only himself and his issues to deal with. I believe he was talking about money. In my case, it’s time, but the feeling is the same. (My apologies to this celebrity, whoever it was. I got the message but forgot the messenger.)

In other words, I don’t miss my old state of mind–an eternal work-related to-do list. However, adjusting to the lack of constantly planning ahead, is just that. An adjustment.

I’m surrendering to slowing down. I’m not forcing motion forward. I’m taking the advice of a much wiser source and waiting for the ease of inspiration.

No writing advice today, then. No observations or complaints about the publishing business. I have a cleared brain waiting for new directions.


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