“Spare”: An Informal Reaction

“Spare”: An Informal Reaction

Finally! Someone who understands the violent rage I feel when someone points a camera in my direction!

But besides our mutual loathing of the invasion of photographers in our lives, Prince Harry and I shared other things. While I’m not royal and will never fully understand the unique pressures of being born into that particular trap, I am familiar with being born the youngest into a weird bunch of people.

It took me ages to realize that my family held me in a role that they would never be able to release me from. Maybe all families are that way, or enough of them that therapists are very knowledgeable of the dynamics of it. Most people with the affliction spend a portion of their lives attempting to live up to someone else’s expectations, or else rebelling and then seeking approval or at least validation for their rebellion. One way–writing a book to rally support.

I’m not knocking the method. It’s understandable. However, it won’t bring any closure to the situation. No matter how much outside support the book brings, the supporters will not include the people he is seeking most to convince that he is right.

Harry, your family may concede a few points here and there, but they will always think of you the way they always have. What you have to give up is your need for their approval. You can’t have it. More important, you don’t need it. I had to learn that, too.

So, I read this book with the thought, “Oh, Harry, this isn’t going to get you what you want”, but wishing that it could. I remember that desperation of wanting to win a similar battle. Otherwise, it was an interesting read from a biographical perspective.

I send my best wishes to Harry and anyone else who can sympathize. It was a good decision to make the break, even if the choice wasn’t as deliberate as it seemed.

No way is it ever a good idea to live the way someone else wants.


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