It Had To Happen Sometime

It Had To Happen Sometime

I forgot my blog last week. I didn’t just forget it for a few hours. I forgot it until today.

Time for reasons, rationalizations, and justifications.

First, last week was surreal because I paid off my house. It was the final yoke lifted from me in the past year or so. I haven’t fully recovered from the absence of the bane of my existence–teaching–and now with no more mortgage pushing me to the edge, I almost feel as if I’m floating through life. In this euphoria, I forgot to blog.

Two, I have a new routine I’m still tweaking to perfection. My new job is perfectly lovely for me at this time in my life, but it is sedentary. I’ve had to add activities to keep circulation going. After all, I’m getting old. (That’s my third reason, but there is some overlap.) I love the new schedule, but I’m making it work slowly. Blogging hasn’t settled into the routine yet.

Three, I’m getting old. I’m way past the years when my main reason for shopping is to bring home paper towels and I come home with everything but paper towels. I’m now to the point of having to go to the kitchen three times to finally remember to start the dishwasher. Then, I sometimes have to check again that I’ve really done it. Some of you know what I’m talking about, so don’t pretend you don’t.

And four, I’ve been writing every day as usual, but some of that has been administrative. I’m making an effort to sell things that are finished and submissions take a lot of time. If you’ve never sold short stories before, everyone wants them delivered in a different way. It’s the same for novels, but I never have as many submissions for novels circulating as short stories. Anyway, I’ve been writing other things and performing other tasks related to writing.

The blog slipped through the widening crevices in my memory. It’s getting very Swiss-cheesy in my head.

Otherwise, it’s a magnificent start to 2023. I wish the same for everyone.


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